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Auburn Aviation Association General Membership Meeting

  • 06/06/2018
  • 6:00 PM
  • Auburn Municipal Airport, 13626 New Airport Road, Auburn, CA

Richard Pearl is a flight instructor in gliders, with fixed wing experience. He will be talking about his near-fatal motor glider accident, what he learned from the experience, and thoughts for all pilots, especially for those who fly in or near the mountains.  Pearl is a local pilot with 1,500 hours in gliders and 850 in engine-driven aircraft - primarily in own touring motor glider but also in C-172’s. He based the motor glider here at Auburn Airport for many years. He has over 1,200 hours instructing in gliders, is an executive with the commercial glider port at Truckee, and has participated in many seminars and camps about mountain flying and also about what power pilots need to know when their engine quits and they become immediately glider pilots. Richard is also the executive director of the international Touring Motor Glider Association. He and wife Penny are both retired and now live in Sun City Lincoln Hills. 

Come visit us on the first Wednesday of every month for an interesting speaker, meeting fellow aviation enthusiasts, and a potluck dinner.

Auburn Aviation Association
P.O. Box 6454
Auburn, California 95604

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