Join us for our monthly potluck and membership meeting on the first Wednesday of each month in the Barnstormer Room across from the fuel island. For the presentation, The April Meeting is “Aviation Jokes and Stories Night” (think April Fools).
The audience is invited (actually, required) to share jokes and stories, anything Aviation related, and “mostly clean.”
On six days in April and six days in August, antique aircraft on the field and in KAUN hangars will be open for the public 10AM TO 2 PM to view. Park on the street outside the perimeter and plan to have breakfast or lunch at Wings restaurant. Or bring a picnic. Picnic tables are located under the shelter just east of the fuel pumps.
Contact Beau Perry at 530-320-6730 for more information.
For pilots and student pilots based at Auburn, join us for a KAUN-wide safety event, the 2025 KAUN Flight Safety Conference. Our goal is to establish and promote consistent safety procedures for the airport. We'll cover radio communications, pattern and flight paths, helicopter protocols, and more. In-person seating is limited. Click on the link to register.
Sponsored by City of Auburn, Auburn Aviation Association, Lightspeed Aviation, Sporty’s Pilot Shop
Door prizes to be raffled among registered attendees:
5:30 p.m. Pizza/refreshments
6:00 p.m. Conference begins
This is an IN-PERSON meeting only. There will be no virtual component.
Auburn Aviation AssociationP.O. Box 6454Auburn, California 95604
For Website/Payment Technical Support: Call Chris Haven at 530-401-6082