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Wreaths Across America

  • 12/19/2020
  • 9:00 AM
  • 1040 Collins Dr., Auburn, CA


Registration is closed


2020 marks the 29th year that Wreaths Across America will provide wreaths across the country to honor and celebrate the lives of our Fallen Heroes in the battles to keep our country free. Individual wreaths will be placed on each grave of Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, Merchant Marines, Coast Guard and POW/MIA servicemen and women at a ceremony scheduled for 9:00AM, Saturday, December 19th, 2020, at the New Auburn Cemetery, 1040 Collins Dr., Auburn, CA - as many graves as we can.

The ceremony might be different from past years depending on how we will be affected by the Coronavirus restrictions and guidelines, but we intend to place the wreaths come rain, shine, or pandemic.  The Auburn Journal has committed to publishing current details about the event as plans become more firm.

If you have any questions please contact Paula Celick, Auburn Location Coordinator, for additional information (530) 885-1428

Auburn Aviation Association
P.O. Box 6454
Auburn, California 95604

For Website/Payment Technical Support:  Call Chris Haven at 530-401-6082

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