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Monthly Membership Meeting held via ZOOM - Auburn Aviation Association

  • 12/02/2020
  • 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • via Zoom

Registration is closed

We're telling aviation stories.  Our members have some hair-raising, heartwarming, incredible, and amazing experiences to relay.   Be honest, hearing other pilot stories is half the reason we come to the meetings.

You are invited to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: AAA Monthly Meeting

Dec 2, 2020 06:00 PM

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 836 1125 9543

Passcode: 757885

One tap mobile

+16699006833,,83611259543#,,,,,,0#,,757885# US (San Jose)

+13462487799,,83611259543#,,,,,,0#,,757885# US (Houston)

Auburn Aviation Association
P.O. Box 6454
Auburn, California 95604

For Website/Payment Technical Support:  Call Chris Haven at 530-401-6082

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